First Time Spark Parents

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Upcoming Dates

Tuesday, August 4, 10-11:30 a.m. Drive through paperwork drop off. Parents are encouraged to drop off all required forms (see below) to be sure we have all required paperwork by the first day of school. Forms may also be emailed to

Parent Orientation will be available to view from our website starting August 15. We will be sharing vital information about Spark, so please be to sure to watch.

Teachers will be sending letters to their students in mid August. School begins August 31, with a soft start. Details coming soon.

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Required Forms

State required forms are available here. Each family must submit an enrollment form and medical statement for each child in attendance. Please be sure to fill in every blank on the enrollment form. Enrollment forms may also be completed electronically and emailed to We must have the enrollment form by August 10 and the medical form by September 30. Only families whose children have severe (anaphylactic) allergies or asthma that requires a rescue inhaler or Epipen need to complete the Care Plan and Medication forms also found under the forms tab.

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Tuition Payments

Tuition is due on the 1st of the month beginning with September. The payment that you submitted to complete your enrollment has been credited to the May 2021 payment, the final payment of the year. Families wishing to pay in full will receive a 5% discount if payment is made by September 1 (this must be paid by check, not through PayPal).

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Tuition Amounts

  • 3s or 4s (2 day) $148/month for 9 payments
  • 3s or 4s (3 day) $215/month for 9 payments
  • 5s $280/month for 9 payments

Families with more than 1 child enrolled may deduct 10% from the lower tuition price

Payment may be paid by check to the Spark office or by using PayPal through the website (PayPal fee added).

Are you thinking about enrolling your child at Spark Preschool? Request more information today.

    Spark In Action